Tuesday, May 30, 2023
This is the fourth installment in a series of blogs discussing how sales teams win more by demonstrating value through taking a consultative approach. The previous installment explored how sales teams can be more consultative by clearly understanding prospects’ unique needs. This installment discusses a second way sales teams can be consultative. This blog was written by Yosen Wang, Analyst.
Customize Product Demonstrations and Presentations
It is said that communication is not the words one says, but rather what the audience understands. Once sales teams have done their homework and possess a clear understanding of prospect needs, they must communicate that understanding to their customers. In this data set, successful sales teams communicated understanding of customer needs by tailoring the content of presentations and product demos to specifically address how their solution can solve customer problems and achieve prospects’ goals.
Customization enforces a commitment to the Client and alignment with buyer search criteria. For example, one customer from a winning situation expressed their appreciation for the customized sales process:
The [client] sales team listened to our needs and tailored its presentations to show how [client] would solve our particular needs. Instead of wasting time on lengthy company introductions or on features and functionality that are unimportant to us, the [client] sales team heard what we wanted. It focused on our needs and how [client]would address and solve them.
In another successful presentation, feedback emerged that:
The sales team showed us exactly what requested with the various scenarios that we had asked them to show us. This demonstrated to us that they understood and could address our functional needs.
These two teams approached their presentations from a customer-centered stance, and feedback from prospects illustrates they understood the effort the sales teams took to both research their needs and personalize their presentations to fit those needs.
Click here to read the full case study.