Thursday, November 9, 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way businesses operate, with remote work becoming a defining trend. Sales teams are no exception, as they’ve increasingly turned to videoconferencing for meetings and presentations. While remote sales may have been on the horizon, the last few years accelerated this shift, leaving teams to adapt to virtual interactions without as many traditional face-to-face connections.
According to a HubSpot report published in September 2022, 68% of sales leaders are planning to adopt either a hybrid or fully remote sales model. In this changing landscape, sales teams must uphold traditional sales principles like responsiveness, consultative approaches, and demonstrating expertise. However, they also need to acquire new skills to build rapport and relationships through a screen.
Here are key tips for effective remote sales calls:
Preparation and rapport building: Small talk, which naturally occurs in in-person meetings, may take time to develop on video conferences. To foster this, come prepared with relevant topics for your audience. For new prospects, research their professional and personal interests from sources like LinkedIn and company bios. For existing clients, consult the team servicing them for insights.
Balancing content and conversation: Keep your camera on to establish a personal connection and use visuals like slides and images to convey your message effectively. Alternate between sharing content directly related to your sales story and turning off sharing during more conversational moments to mimic face-to-face discussions.
Amplify non-verbal cues: On videoconferencing, the focus is often limited to the speaker’s face. Use body language, gestures, and hand signals to enhance your message and presentation. If possible, position yourself further from the camera to ensure your hands are visible. Bring your hands closer to your face when emphasizing points or counting down agenda items.
Active listening: Virtual presentations can sometimes feel one-sided. Pause at regular intervals to encourage questions and revisit previously covered areas. This not only engages the audience but also addresses any questions or concerns they might have.
Multiple voices: A single-voiced presentation can lead to audience disengagement over time. Assign different sections of the sales presentation to various team members. If possible, bring in experts from your team, like implementation or client support members, to address specific communication points.
The shift toward remote sales is here to stay, offering benefits such as increased reach, flexibility, reduced travel expenses and decreased carbon footprint. To succeed in this changing landscape, sales teams must adapt and evolve. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, these tips can help B2B sales teams adjust their strategies to optimize remote presentations.