

Win loss image

Case Study – Win Loss Analysis:

When Service Delivery Problems Erode the Benefits of Robust Sales Growth

Anova Client

Large Enterprise Software Company

The Challenge

Anova’s client had experienced a long and continuous period of explosive quarterly growth and had built a strong and vibrant sales culture in the process.  In response to ever-increasing pressure to further accelerate business growth, senior management was on-boarding new sales and service personnel at a rapid pace, which was undermining internal process continuity.  In addition, the company’s competitive landscape was becoming increasingly challenging because of competitor product innovations and narrowing pricing spreads.  Its sales force was still winning in competitive situations more than 50 percent of the time, but senior management was concerned with rumors of high-pressure sales tactics and a growing rate of new clients leaving before reaching the one-year mark.  The CEO felt that the company needed a more informed perspective on its sales and servicing activities so it could drive major process changes and better manage its growth trajectory.

The Response

Anova was engaged to implement an aggressive “Win / Loss Analysis” program designed to help the company establish competitive profiles of its prospects, clients and competitors.   As a result, we soon learned that while our client was continuing to have impressive sales results, its use of a poorly performing third-party vendor to manage the implementation of its software was fostering negative perceptions in the marketplace about its ability to properly service clients. These damaging perceptions caused roughly 60 percent of the company’s new clients to have significant product implementation and service issues in the early stages of their relationships with our client.

The Outcome

Our client used Anova’s “Win / Loss Analysis” survey results to re-align key aspects of its sales training, client needs assessment, and relationship management processes to improve product and service integration and sales throughput.  In addition, the client rationalized its universe of implementation partners.